Application Fee

A refundable $50 Application Fee is applicable to all new enrolments upon submission of the Application Form. If for any reason, whether from your end or the school's end, the enrolment is not completed, the $50 Application Fee will be refunded back to you when you send the refund email to


As a parent, if you’re not 100% satisfied with our programs, you may withdraw at any time before the last day of the Term and receive a full refund by sending a “withdrawal & refund” email to

Small Group Teaching and One-on-One Teaching Program fees are non-refundable.

Withdrawing your Child

Tarbiya Coaches and families who wish to withdraw their children from American Islamic School must contact the school by email at and notify the school of their desire to withdraw. A representative from American Islamic School will later contact you to schedule an exit interview, Insha’a Allah.

Re-Enrollment After Withdrawal

Students who are withdrawn from the school by way of a family request shall not be permitted to re-enroll at American Islamic School until the following term. Students who are withdrawn from the school by way of a school-initiated academic or behavioral withdrawal shall not be permitted to re-enroll until a meeting with the Principal or his/her appointed designee has taken place. If the Principal approves the re-enrollment, it will take place at the start of the new term. The school reserves the right to reject a re-enrollment request for a student who has been withdrawn due to a school-initiated or family-initiated withdrawal. Note: Students who are withdrawn before the last day of the term may not receive a Report Card.

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